At Barrett & Thomas, P.C., we provide a complete package of accounting, tax and financial consulting services tailored to both business and individual clients. Small-business owners, especially, find that our accounting support makes their daily work easier, freeing up more time to build their business. Individuals find that professional tax support puts their minds at ease, freeing up time for whatever's most important to them. All our clients can rest easy in the knowledge that they're taking advantage of available tax incentives, because we stay abreast of tax law changes.
To better meet the needs of our accounting and tax clients throughout Tyler and East Texas, we also have individualized services for small businesses in industries like professional services, construction accounting, retail accounting, consumer and other service-oriented businesses. Covering these fields, specifically and in-depth, enables us to address your industry-specific challenges, compliance needs and industry-standard tax practices.
Contact us today regarding our accounting and tax services.